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Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Stilton Family

A healthy mind in... a clumsy body.
Geronimo Stilton is the Editor-in-Chief of New Mouse City’s most popular news blog and print The Rodent’s Gazette, as well as the head of The Stilton Media Group. Although endlessly curious and resourceful, Geronimo Stilton is never set out to be an adventure-seeker. He takes to adventure like a moose takes to ballet - not very well. You see, Geronimo has two left paws - he’s a bit of a klutz, which is one of those hilarious features in an action hero who doesn’t really want to be an action anything. Things just don’t work the way they’re supposed to when Geronimo is involved.
Geronimo has an encyclopedic knowledge that ALWAYS comes into play on adventures. Geronimo is wealthy beyond imagination, but you wouldn’t really know it by the way he acts or treats everyone else. He is also generous to a fault: need a helicopter? A jet ski? Or a yacht? Go ahead, you can take it.
Geronimo has friends all over the world from the highest office to the most out of-the-way places. It’s amazing all the people he knows!

Geronimo’s nephew - Adventure Mouse
Benjamin is one of the brightest 12 year olds you would ever hope to meet. However, what he has in smarts, he lacks in experience, which will often put Benjamin and his uncle into tough spots.
On the other hand, what Geronimo lacks in electronic know-how and physical skill, Benjamin is ready to fill-in the blanks for him.
He loves and admires his uncle: he would like to grow up and be like Geronimo. Benjamin is a geek, never without his precious “Link”, an ultra-portable, handheld computer, a device similar to an i-phone with which he can surf the internet, interface with other computers, call-up maps, GPS, make calls, send emails, even shoot videos and pics…and play video games.

Geronimo’s sister - Let’s Go !!!!!
Thea is special correspondent for the Stilton Media Group. She isn’t much of an office mouse, she prefers to hang from tree branches and to scale building ledges to get the perfect shot.
Appealing, athletic and tireless, Thea would kick the cheese curd out of Lara Croft any day.
Thea can pilot nearly any type of craft, whenever Team Stilton is on a call, you can bet that Thea is driving the bus…or rocket car.

Geronimo’s cousin - The worst jokes are the best jokes
Trap doesn’t work at the Stilton Media Group, well not officially. At times he will get called upon by Geronimo to help out. He lives in an old caboose that he renovated himself and although a self-proclaimed ladies Mouse, he doesn’t take much care of his appearance.
Trap is also a prankster. He has so many joy buzzers, whoopee cushions and sneezing powder packets he could open his own joke shop. Geronimo is often on the receiving end of Trap’s pranks and jokes, which is not so funny for Geronimo but very funny for everyone else.
She’s Geronimo’s arch-rival.
She is the bad mouse of the series, the one that our heroes have to confront about 50% of our episodes.
She is the editor-in-chief of a tabloid media company called, The Daily Rat,The Rodent's Gazette biggest competition and there is nothing she won’t do to get a scoop.


  1. Does anyone know who Benjamin's father is? I think Thea is the mother.

    1. In one of the books it actually said she's the aunt so I think Trap is the father

  2. How many siblings does Geronimo have?
